Electrical installations

Izdelava projektne dokumentacije, pridobitve potrebnih dovoljenj in soglasij, gradbenih in montažnih del ter izdelave izvršilne tehnične dokumentacije

From the field of electricity infrastructure we offer comprehensive turn-key solutions from the production of project documentation, obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, construction and assembly works and the production of executive technical documentation

Preparation of project-technical documentation:
Design of low-voltage electricity networks (IDP, PZI, PGD, PID)
Design of internal installations in buildings
Acquiring consents, easements and all necessary permits

Construction and assembly work:
Construction of cable ducts
Installation of electric power cables
Attaching power cables to cable ducts
Construction of internal electrical installations in buildings
Supply and installation of connection and distribution cabinets
Building public lighting Installation of UPS systems and power supply
Electrical and mechanical equipment of road and other tunnels

Maintenance work:
Preventive and curative maintenance of electrical installations in commercial buildings
Investment maintenance of electrical installations in commercial buildings
Measurements on electrical installations and lightning protection devices

Photovoltaic turnkey systems:
Design and design of solar power plants
Acquisition of all necessary approvals and permits for the installation of solar power plants and connection to the electricity network
Creation of projects for building permit (where necessary) and obtaining of building permits
Photovoltaic modules and inverters supply
Photovoltaic modules and inverters installation
All necessary installations
Final installation and technical takeover of buildings
Regular and investment maintenance of facilities


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